Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My vision . . . . board.

My vision board is something I look at EVERY day.  It helps me to focus on my goals and allows me to position my actions for the day.

Today's Thought: 
If you are not working toward your goals - you are moving away from them!

How do I create my message board?  It's simple.

1) I focus on my main areas of growth that I think are important to ME such as relationships, health, profession, security, and travel/recreation.  

2) I the found items off the internet that best represent what I wanted to visualize. Make it fun and make it interesting - be creative!

3) I organize the pictures to be in groups that move from left to right . . . . the ones on the left are the most immediate goals and as they move to the right I dream bigger and bigger! *

4) I print it out and put it on my refrigerator (which sometimes helps me in the health department when I want to get that extra dessert!)

NOTE:  I update my vision board every month.  Life changes, priorities change and you have to keep moving forward.  Once one thing happens, change it to something else!  Dream bigger!*

*This is my own special twist on the idea of a vision board

Would you like to see a sample?  Here is my most recent (as of today) vision board!  

Make one for yourself today and post to this blog!  Ask question, comment, and let's get started changing the world - one person at a time.

Tomorrow's topic:   The world DOES revolve around you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's a tip:

Make your vision board and put it on your desktop so you can see it every time you use your computer!!!

: )
