Thursday, June 7, 2012

Your parents were WRONG!

Happy Thursday!

When you were young, did your parents say to you: 

"The Universe doesn't revolve around YOU!"

Well . . . 

I am here to tell you that they were WRONG! 

The Wise Guy Thought for the day:

The universe DOES in face revolve around you - YOUR UNIVERSE!* Everyone of us has specific spheres of influence in the reach that we can have out into the world.  We have the POWER to change (positively or negatively) everything around us that is in our grasp (physically, emotionally, and intellectually). 

It is up to YOU to reach out and accept the power that you have.  It's an easy process:

1) Think about what you want to receive  - what is truly important to you
2) Make sure that the things around you are supporting you  and that you are working toward your goals at all times- making it easier for 1 to happen
3) If there are items that don't fit what you want your path to be - get rid of them (this is something we will talk about tomorrow)
4) Give thanks for all you have and all you will have

Repeat 1, 2, 3, and 4 until you get what you want out of the universe

The Wise Guy Action for the Day:

Draw your universe!  Everything has an orbit around you.  Try it with our current solar system where you are the SUN (with or without Pluto) and use the following as rings for each "important planet":

- family
- friends
- career
- health
- wealth
- education
- faith
- relationships
- other: ___________ (if you still claim pluto as a planet) 

Tomorrow's Wise Guy Topic:  Making difficult decisions

ps.  Please forward on to people and SUBSCRIBE! 

*I want to eventually write a book about this so don't steal it!

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