Sunday, June 10, 2012

Call home!

Sorry for the late post - I was in Baltimore this afternoon and had a packed day.  I however had a very positive experience on the drive home.

Today I called my Great Aunt.  Her name is Bo and she is the sister of my Grandmother on my mother's side.  I have no grandparents that are still alive and its been a long time since I have talked to her.  I had actually been putting off calling her from shear embarrassment  that its been so long since our last communication.

The instant she answered the phone it was like I had talked to her everyday  - she is such an amazing person.  Not once did she ask why I hadn't called.  She didn't judge.  She just listened, laughed, and loved.  We talked about family, friends, and the Hatfield and McCoy series on the History Channel. (As children, they would sneak up to the BIG McCoy house and peer through the windows to see what they were up to!)  As I asked her about her health and her plans for the week, her positive attitude and sense of humor was inspiring.  At the age of 82, Aunt Bo is just as funny as ever and has such a simple view of life - "Heck, I'm old and I just came to realize that nothings gonna be like it used to.  How could it?!"

Before I hung up the phone, I mentioned to her about getting the family together to visit the area that she and her sisters grew up - just so she could share her stories and see how much has changed through her childhood.  I know I won't be waiting long to talk to her and her other sisters again.  The experience is too great to pass up.

I am challenging all my cousins to help me to make this come true for Aunt Bo . . . .and all of us who want to keep the lines of communication open to each other  . . . while there is time to do so!

Wise Guy thought for the day: 
If something has been bothering you or won't leave your mind - there is a reason for it.  Take care of it.  Move forward.

Wise Guy question for the day: 
Who have you lost touch with that could simply be waiting for your call?

Wise Guy action for the day: 
Go through your phone contact list.  If there is family or close friends you have not talked to in over a month - GIVE THEM A CALL.  There may be a reason you haven't heard from them.  I guarantee that they will be thrilled to hear from you!

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