Saturday, June 9, 2012


Happy Saturday!

Some of you might not now know this but I am a a professional ballroom competitor and instructor. Through music I believe that we can experience live in ways we would never be able to only though our own visions and dreams.  When you dance, you become the dance and give your own visual interpretation of the song playing.  The audience gets a peek into your soul as you express yourself as only you can.  Music has the power to motivate, inspire, and heal!

Let me say the last one again - heal!

Below are two instances where music has helped the wellness of the one listening . . . please take a moment and watch these clips.  Get some tissues:

The older we get, we sometimes forget things.  It's funny that you can still remember your favorite television song or jingle but you probably can't remember what you had for dinner last night.  The power of music brings us back to happier times:

Simply amazing!

How many times have you been listening to your favorite artist on the radio or through your collection and it seems as if they are speaking directly to you - only to you!  They feel your pain and sometimes they help you to get moving in a new direction.  

If you personally know me, you know my most favorite performer is the one and only Dolly Parton! Mrs. Parton is such an amazing song writer that there is something for everyone.  Below are some of my favorites that have gotten me through times of sadness and anger - both were able to turn my thoughts around and put me back on the path to positivity!

Better Get to Livin - A great song about getting over yourself, pulling your big kid pants on , and getting on with life!

Change it - once again a song about the ability that you have to change your own life.  If you don't like it - CHANGE IT!

The wise guy THOUGHT for the day: 
Today you have the power to change your life!  For better or for worse, you have the tools to make your life shape in the direction you want to. Music is one of those tools - use it often!

The wise guy QUESTION for the day: 
What song's motivate you?  What songs make you feel certain emotions? What is your JAM?

The wise guy ACTION for the day: 
Make yourself  an iTunes playlist or "mix tape" that not only lists your favorite songs but what emotions they bring out in you.  Next time you need some musical motivation - you have it right at your fingertips!

Have a GREAT weekend - I'll talk to you tomorrow.

The Wise Guy!

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