Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sometimes You HAVE to fit it ALL in!

How many of you have TOO much to do?  
Between work, family, you, school, hobbies  . . . it just all seems like too much?  

Wise Guy Thought for the day:
Suck it up.  Work hard.  Don't sleep. Move on and be successful!  You will get down time later.  Enjoy it because you don't know when you will be pushed to your limits again!

Wise Guy Question for the day:
What are the times coming up where you know you will be more exhausted than others?  What have you done to prepare yourself for the challenge?

Wise Guy Action for the day:  
Plan your calendar ahead  - use the GREEN, YELLOW, RED color coding system to plan the next calendar.  Use the visual to help you plan your day - take the time to relax when you can!

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