Sunday, July 22, 2012

Your own personal pie chart!


Wise Guy Thought for the day: 
We are only one person.  We can only give so much of ourselves to a given area of our life.  If you give more to one area, another area suffers.  If you put all your effort to work, you are missing out on Family ,Faith, Friends, and Health.  Its important to have balance.

Wise Guy Question for the day:  
Are you balanced?  Are you giving just enough to make your life happy?

Wise Guy Action(s) for the day:  
Make your own pie chart.  Think of it in terms of percentage of your day given to each item.  Even by hours if you like such as:

24 hours in the day:

8 hours of sleep and 1 hour of gym/fitness = 9 hours of health
8 hours of work = 8 hours of work

That equals 17 hours of the 24 - only 7 hours left for Friends, Relationships, Family, and Spirituality.   

How will make the 7 hours left work for you?

NOTE:  At certain times, one piece gets more attention and this is OK. We have position our priorities but which ones you move around are up to you!

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