Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Oh say can you see ...

Wise Guy Thought for the day:

Freedom sounds like such an easy concept to think about  - so easy that we take it for granted. Just imagine for a moment - not being free.  Not being able to make a living.  Not being able to speak freely.  Not being able to choose your own path.   We have come so far in regards to women's rights, equal rights for races, and now we are coming into a new era for human equality rights.  

Our freedom to be who we are was fought for over 200 years ago . . . .we are still fighting today.  

Wise Guy Question for the day:  

What would your life be like if you were living in a place that did not have human rights?  The basic things you never even think about  - what if they were gone?

Wise Guy Action(s) for the day:  

1) Give thanks that you live where you do and that you have all the things you have.
2) Spend time with family and friends today - let them know how much you love them.
3) When you watch those fireworks tonight - let them renew your love for this country, the path we have ahead, and the amazing things we will accomplish  . . . .starting as early as tomorrow!

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