Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The power of a smile!


Go ahead and SMILE!  

Big teeth, wrinkles in your eyes, SMILE!  
(Bet you did it didn't you?)

Do it again - This time HOLD IT FOR 3 seconds!

Now one last time - SMILE!  It gets easier as we try it doesn't it!  

Wise Guy Thought for the day:
A smile can change your attitude, your way of thinking, and your outlook for a moment or even your entire day.  Even if you are going through something rough, you can force yourself to smile and you can't help but feel differently!

Wise Guy Question for the day:  

When was the last time you smiled at someone and they smiled back?

Wise Guy Action for the day:

Try to SMILE at the MAJORITY of the people you see today.  You don't have to have it PLASTERED on your face but just flash a smile and see what happens!  You will be glad you did!

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