Friday, June 15, 2012

Change - no nickels and dimes here!

Change is not just something that you keep in your pocket!

Changes in our lives happen every second of the day.  We get up off the couch, we change our lives.  We make a decision to eat salad instead of a burger, we change our lives.  Change happens all the time and yet its one of the things that frighten us the most - some times.

Change can be a difficult thing especially when what you have to change in your life will affect someone people you care about.  Sometimes it feels like the stress of making the change is overwhelming but most times the other parties involved are just waiting for you to make the change so they don't have to. 

Wise Guy Thought for the day: 
If you are feeling that a change has to be made in your life, listen to that feeling.  Your instinct is strong BUT you have to make sure that you have the backing behind your feelings through actions and past examples.  This will allow you to take the GUILT, ANGER, and SADNESS out of your decision to make a change.  Without it, you will always be second guessing if you did the right thing.  Make sure you did the right thing.

WHO KNOWS:  Your decision to change might be the BEST thing for the others involved!  It might give them the push they need to move on to do bigger and better things.  You might be doing your part to "pay it forward" or give back and you don't even know it.  

Everything happens for a reason - if you learn from it then the reason was a good one!

Wise Guy Question for the day: 
What ares in life are you questioning?  What is bringing you stress?  What doesn't make you smile?  

Wise Guy Action for the day: 
Look at the things that are negative in your life and see if you can CHANGE THEM!  NOTE:  It is not responsible to just get rid of everything that annoys you but you can change the way you look at thing or the level of involvement you have with the negative portion of your life.  

Even if its a small step in a positive direction - you are going the right way!

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