Thursday, June 14, 2012

Don't Settle!

Wise Guy Thought for the day: 
We often settle in life when we could have SO much.  So much love, so much laughter, so much happiness.  We hold each other to our own sense of morality that we forget that we are only responsible for our own dreams and development - we are only hear to help others grow, not stop them from seeing their true potential.

Wise Guy Question for the day: 
Out of the list above, what are things you could work on today?  What could you do to have MORE?

Wise Guy Action for the day: 
Use the list above and put them in order of importance to you and your life - how to make the biggest changes in yourself.  Try to make the first thing happen today, if you can get through the complete list . .  . imaging how your entire outlook would be different!

ps.  Everyone deserves to develop!

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