Saturday, June 23, 2012

Passion leads to . . . .

What are you passionate about?


During the competition this weekend - one of my students, set off by some mistakes that she had made in her tango, got very emotional on the dance floor.  She whispered to me " I should quit shouldn't I." She walked off the floor and found a private place in the corner of the room, where the tears began to flow.  At that moment, I knew she was going through a HUGE breakthrough personally.  "What is wrong with me" she questioned "dancing has never brought out this emotion in me."

"Absolutely nothing," I explained.  "There is no reason for you to be upset - on the contrary you should be smiling from ear to ear, congratulations, you just discovered that you truly care about your dancing.  It means more than you thought to you than you thought!  It's your passion!"


Wise Guy Thought for the day:

We are all passionate about something.  Something that we give our heart and soul to.  Some are through life's lessons in responsibility but some we choose.  It's the ones we choose that best represent our deepest desires and dreams.

Wise Guy Question for the day:

What are you passionate about?  What means the world to you?  Your children, you partner, your work?  All of these are worthy of your undivided attention but what about YOU. Where are YOUR passions? Are you doing something with them or they laying dormant?

Wise Guy Action for the day:  

Draw a picture of your true passion.  Use crayons, markers, or pen and pencil.  Be childlike about it.  Post it on your refrigerator or even give it to someone to share with - see if you can start a conversation about your dreams.   .  . then take the first step to accomplishing them!

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