Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sometimes you just have to LET IT GO!


This past Monday marked the three year anniversary of the passing ofMichael Jackson, and while a number of stars and fans shared their memories of MJ, one celeb in particular got more intimate!
When I was just starting out, my first producer used to make me listen to Michael Jackson’s live performance of “Who’s Loving You.” He would have me watch that for hours back to back to back.
What he wanted me to learn was his soul. You could hear his soul. And he was this little kid who hadn’t experienced love but he was a vessel. For whatever reason he could evoke more emotion than an adult. It was so raw and so pure. It was these little things that he did that were just swag. It’s something that’s God given.
Michael taught me that sometimes you have to forget technique, forget what you have on. If you feel silly, you have to go from the gut just let it go.
Michael Jackson changed me, and helped me to become the artist I am - thank you Michael.
Love always,

[Images via Ramey Pix.]

Wise Guy Thought for the day:
Life is not about surviving, its about thriving and making each moment as special as you can!

Wise Guy Question for the day:

When was the last time you took your talent and did whatever it was "from the gut"?

Wise Guy Action for the day:  

Next time you are doing your hobby or something you love - STOP.  Take a DEEP BREATH and REMEMBER WHY YOU LOVE DOING IT .  . . then REACH DEEP DOWN IN YOUR SOUL . . . and do whatever it is LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER DONE IT BEFORE!!

ps.  Then message me and tell me how it was!

Michael taught me that sometimes you have to forget technique, forget what you have on. If you feel silly, you have to go from the gut just let it go. - Beyonce

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